Northeast Puerto Rico Natural Reserves
Discover and conserve the marine ecosystems of the Archipelago
Corredor Ecológico del Noreste Nature Reserve
Designated as a Natural Reserve in 2013 due to its extraordinary natural and scenic value, recognized since 1978 by the state and federal government and by various local and international conservation organizations.
It consists of approximately 12 square km of land that includes the San Miguel, La Selva, Las Paulinas, El Convento and Colorá beaches. The marine extension includes the segment between the marine limit of the RN Espíritu Santo in the west, to the eastern limit of the RNCEN in the RN de las Cabezas de San Juan
It is located on the coastal strip north of PR-3 between the Sandy Hills condominiums in Luquillo and the Seven Seas resort in Fajardo.

Arrecifes de la Cordillera Natural reserve
Designated as a Natural Reserve in 1980 as a recommendation of the Puerto Rico Coastal Zone Management Program.
It protects 29 square kilometers of submerged land northeast of Fajardo, from Cayo Cucarachas to Cayo Diablo, including the marine ecosystems of Isla de Palominos and Cayo Lobos.
Protects the seabed adjacent to the northeast keys and its marine ecosystems.
Canal de Luis Peña Natural Reserve, Culebra
Designated as a Natural Reserve the June 11, 1999 as an initiative of the community of Culebrenses, fishermen, academics and non-profit organizations.
It is located between the Island of Culebra and the Cayo Luis Peña. It covers an area of 4.8 km2 and protects a great diversity of habitats, including coral reefs and seagrass beds.
Fishing is not allowed within the reserve, nor is it allowed to remove living or dead organisms since it is a "no-take" zone.

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Coral Reef Conservation and Management Program
Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
Telephone: (787)999-2200 ext.2406