Proyecto de Liderazgo Ambiental Comunitario (PLAC)

El Proyecto de Liderazgo Ambiental Comunitario se creó para fortalecer las destrezas de liderazgo de jóvenes universitarios de la región Noreste de Puerto Rico para que estos formen parte de los esfuerzos de educación ambiental y participación ciudadana relacionados con la Reserva Natural Arrecifes La Cordillera, entre otras reservas naturales del noreste del pais.
En este programa participan un escogido de jóvenes de escuela secundaria pertenecientes al programa Up-ward Bound de la Universidad Interamericana, Recinto de Fajardo.
El programa es auspiciado por: El Programa Up-ward Bound de la Interamericana de Fajardo, el Departamento de Recursos Naturales y Ambientales, el Servicio Forestal, la Coalición Pro Corredor Ecológico del Noreste y el Centro para la Conservación del Paisaje.
La meta principal de este proyecto es promover el liderazgo ambiental y el compromiso comunitario entre éstos jóvenes que puedan:
a) fortalecer su conocimiento y experiencias en torno a los asuntos ambientales de la región noreste de PR;
b) integrarse de manera activa a distintas iniciativas de educación ambiental;
c) cultivar el liderazgo y el compromiso comunitario para que puedan contribuir el quehacer ambiental de la región
d) Fomentar el interés de estudiar profesiones relacionadas con los asuntos ambientales

The PLAC initiative focuses on the interrelationship between the environment and society based on the concept of a hydrographic basin. Through this concept we intend to highlight the cultural and ecological connections between the Arrecifes de la Cordillera Natural Reserve, the Northeast Ecological Corridor and the Yunque National Forest.
It is hoped that PLAC participants will be able to support environmental interpretation efforts in these reserves in the near future.
In the summer of 2014 PLAC joined the efforts of the Northeast Ecological Corridor Coalition and the Sierra Club to offer part of the interpretive tours that will be offered to summer school camps.
PLAC is also contributing directly to the communities of the region by carrying out different works such as:
1) participating in the development of the Fishing Museum in Maternillo,
2) carrying out an educational campaign to address the problem of aquatic pollution in some communities of Fajardo.
PLAC's mission is to promote the conservation of marine resources in the northwest natural reserves, and at the same time, encourage the participation of communities near the reserve in these efforts.
PLAC Activities:
PLAC has been participating in various training activities and, at the same time, getting involved in education initiatives about the region's marine resources.
Below we share some photos of these activities.
Workshop: The marine resources of Cordillera Reefs
Workshop: Introduction to Environmental Interpretation, Vereda Punta Cabeza Chiquita, Northeast Ecological Corridor
Dialogue around the community of Maternillo and its Fishing Village
Workshop: The marine resources of the Luis Peña Channel

A PLAC research experience around climate change on the northeast coast of Puerto Rico.
The members of the community Environmental Leadership Project fully interpret their responsibility for the condition of the waters in the Barada Obrera in Fajardo.