If you plan to explore the eastern area of Puerto Rico, it is highly likely that you will end up visiting one of the Northeast Nature Reserves.
This system of natural areas protects the waters as well as the submerged spaces and the marine ecosystems of much of the northeast of Puerto Rico.
From the waters of the mouth of Rio Espíritu Santo, the Northeast Ecological Corridor (Luquillo and Fajardo), the Cabezas de San Juan (Fajardo), the northeast keys (Icacos, Palominos, Palominitos) to the Luis Peña Channel to the west from Culebra.
From the maritime terrestrial zone towards 9 nautical miles offshore; When you touch the water in this area, you are visiting the Northeast Nature Reserves.

These marine protected areas are extremely important, special and sensitive places and spaces, with unique and spectacular ecosystems: coral reefs, seagrasses, mangrove forests. The biodiversity protected by this system of natural reserves has a high recreational and commercial value, for many, from commercial fishing to nautical tourism. Conserving ecosystems and their biodiversity is extremely important for the general well-being of the communities in the municipalities of the northeast of Puerto Rico.
Hese nature reserves were designated specifically to protect marine ecosystems of this area and its biodiversity. These connect ecosystems, habitats and homes for species of high commercial value as well as species in danger of extinction, promoting their growth and reproduction throughout their life cycles. By being designated as natural reserves and controlling the area based on established regulations, the vulnerability caused by local stressors in many marine species and their habitats is reduced.
On the other hand, if we do not do our part when visiting it, we increase that vulnerability again, and increase the chances of losing the ecological and socioeconomic services of these ecosystems in the long term. Therefore, before visiting these natural spaces, know the "rules of use" and plan your visit to these sensitive spaces. Remember that visiting these reserves is a privilege and there are many things you can do to ensure the conservation of their biodiversity.
Plan your visit:
Let us ensure that our visit does not affect the experience of others as well as the opportunity for future generations to enjoy the natural resources of the Northeast Reserves. Plan your visit, know your route and evaluate the nautical charts available .

Boyas de amarre
Todos los años, muchos nautas visitan las Reservas del Noreste y disfrutan de sus paisajes y recursos naturales. Las boyas de amarre son instaladas y mantenidas por el DRNA para que los nautas puedan disfrutar y visitar los cayos sin impactar los arrecifes de coral ni las yerbas marinas.

Mapas Interactivos de las Reservas del Noreste
Aquí encontrarás una serie de herramientas y mapas producidos por distintas agencias estatales y federales sobre los recursos naturales del noreste de Puerto Rico. Entre ellos, mapas bénticos de los arrecifes de coral y yerbas marinas de la Reserva Naturales, como también el mapa de la linea de referencia de la zona marítimo terrestre de Puerto Rico, entre otras herramientas de planificación.