Arrecifes de la Cordillera Natural Reserve
The Arrecifes de la Cordillera Natural Reserve is located 1.5 nautical miles northeast of Fajardo (between latitude 18o 23 '50' 'and longitude 65o 36' 15 '') and comprises a chain of islands, keys, islets, reefs, prairies of marine grasses that support a great diversity of native, commercial and protected species among other resources.
The Natural Reserve was recommended by the Coastal Zone Management Plan for its designation since 1978. On January 2, 1980, it is designated as such through the Third Extension of Resolution JP PU-002 by the Planning Board. from Puerto Rico.
Through this administrative mechanism, the government makes the decision to protect this area of high natural value to ensure that the uses and activities in it do not affect its natural resources and for the enjoyment of them for future generations.